Summary & Analysis
Click the edit button to create a new summary & analysis.
Type the summary in the box provided and save when it’s done or cancelled.
Breakdown by Rating
Users are allowed to select the rating when taking any visual evidence on-site. The system will show the breakdown of all the ratings selected. The ratings are: Poor, Below Average, Average, Good & Excellent. If the rating is not selected, it will be shown as N/A.
Breakdown by Category
Users are also allowed to select the category of each visual evidence from the list provided. To be more specific, users also select the sub-category. All the breakdowns will be shown on the table. Click to open the sub-category.
Map View
All the visual evidence that has been taken will be shown in the map view format. This allowing user to know exactly the number of pictures and the location straight away.
Layer Activation
Layer tool allowing users to see the map with a different perspective. Simply by clicking the toggle of each layer then the map will be showing it accordingly.
Open the Visual Evidence
Simply by clicking the pin and the result will be shown. If it’s more than one picture taken within the same location, all the previous pictures will be displayed as well.
This section shows all the items in a list view format. Users are allowed to open the list, search, edit the properties and add task list accordingly. Users are also able to download all the pictures in csv or zip format.
Simply typing any words then system will filter the list.
Show the picture location
This button is to direct user to the exact location of the evidence on the map view, once it’s click then it will move directly to the map view page.
Edit picture properties
User able to edit the properties in every single visual evidence taken. By editing this properties, it will help user to give better summary in the report as well as improve filter functionality in Digital Twin for specific keywords.
Add to Task
User able to create any task list in every visual evidence. This can be done by creating new task list or selecting existing task list.
Add New Evidence
Adding new visual evidence through SolarGain can be done by clicking the + button. Make sure select the picture with geo-referenced image (JPEG) format.
Download all files
Users have 2 options, csv and zip. Simply click one of them and files will be stored directly.
Share The Report
Users are allowed to share the report to other members in the organization. Select the Organization level and Access level, then click the share button.