Construction Management - Map View

Construction Management - Map View

Map View

The map section is composed of three different interaction areas: “Map layers”, “Action tools” an “Event date”.

Map Layers

The map layers, located at the left-hand side, can be turned on/off individually or per group. This way the user can make different comparisons among different layers or have a look an isolated one. Below an explanation of each group of map layers:

Orthomosaic layer

The “stitched” imagery taken from the drone showing the state of the PV plant on the day of the report. 

Main and Additional drawings

This layer places the “Design” CAD on the map to ensure that construction work is being completed according to plan. Any modified and updated CAD can be uploaded to the platform, as shown in the picture. Drawings can be uploaded as many as possible, with the possibility to separate them however the user wants to.

Mechanical, Electrical & Infrastructure layer s

These layers provide the possibility to isolate every main element from the PV plant for a better analysis, these ones are:

  1. Mechanical
    1. Piles
    2. Tables
    3. Modules
  2. Electrical
    1. AC cables
    2. DC cables
  3. Infrastructure
    1. Transformers
    2. Inverters
    3. Roads
    4. Fences
    5. Buildings
    6. Substations
    7. Batteries


This layer shows the annotations the user has created on the map. Annotations are used to highlight interesting points found on the map, which can later be shared with site managers, so that the spotted elements can be fixed or verified before the next report. The different colors represent their category (Quality, Safety, Status or Other). Creation of annotations is explained in the next interaction unit, “Action tools”.

Action Tools

Action tools help the user to operate and work with each of the scanned milestone views of the PV plant through the whole construction period.

These are:

    1. Zoom In/Out
    2. View Full Screen
    3. Download Map
    4. Key Colour Guide
    5. Measure Distance or Area
    6. Add Annotation         

        Zoom In/Out 

    Tool to zoom in or out within the map, it can be also done by scrolling up and down with the mouse.

    View Full Screen

    Full screen tool allows to have the map view across the whole screen for a better visualization.

         Download map

    Download map tool allows the user to get a picture of the map in a JPEG format. This picture is based on the “Zoom level” of the site. In other words, if the user is very zoomed in, they will only get that zone in the picture.

         Key guide

    The Key guide shows as a legend, the different construction stages represented by colours on the map. By clicking on it, a window pops up on the right-hand side showing the construction stage information for all PV infrastructure and additional infrastructure of the PV plant.

        Measure Distance or Areas

    This tool enables the user to measure distance or areas in the map. Users can use it to check the pitch distance between trackers, distance to the fence or even to calculate the transformer station area among others.

    By clicking on the icon, a window will be displayed from the right, giving the possibility to choose between Area or Distance.

    Once the user has picked the desired option, they can click on the map to add as many points as they want, in order to create an area/line. Once created it, the measurements will show up in meters/miles (distance) and/or sq meters/acres (area) on the right. Then, press Finish bottom located at the downside part of the window.

    This tool also allows the user to create multiple measurements at the same time by clicking on the Add new button. Once the user is done taking measurements, they can press Finish and navigate through each of the elements measured in the map displaying distances or areas.

    Measurements can be copied to the clipboard by clicking on Copy to Clipboard bottom. It is useful as it can be later included in the description of the annotation. It is also possible to remove any undesired element by clicking on it and pressing the Remove bottom.

      Add Annotation

    As previously mentioned, annotations are used to highlight interesting points found on the map. Click on it to display the window for creating the annotation. See picture below.

    A square will show up at the center of the map covering an area. The map can be dragged with the mouse to fit in the square, even zoom it in and out to increase/decrease the area covered. To create the annotation, the first thing to do is to select exactly the desired area to spot. After that, Capture Image bottom must be clicked and this area will be captured as a snapshot.

    Next thing to do is to write down a description about what has been spotted and click on the shape on the map to link it to this annotation.

    Below the component section the category of the annotation can be selected; options are Quality, Safety, Status or Other. On top of that, it is then possible to select whether the annotation should be visible to your organization only, or to all the organizations that have access to this report.

    At the end of the window, there are three options, either Add to tasks, to Cancel or to Save the annotation.

    1.  Add to tasks

    When adding an annotation to a task list, a small window in the middle will pop up. There are two options at this point, either adding it up to an already existing task list or to create a new one. Once that is done, the annotation will be stored in a task list. For more information about working with task lists go to Task Lists Support page.

    1. Cancel

    By pressing cancel, the annotation will be deleted.
    1. Save

    In case save bottom is pressed, the annotation will be stored in the “Annotation” module.

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