Construction Management - Annotations

Construction Management - Annotations


The annotation module contains the list of all the saved annotations taken through the whole process of construction.

Annotations are listed in 7 different columns:

Event Date

It specifies the flight date of the construction monitoring report where the annotation was taken.


It registers the type of annotation selected (Quality, Safety, Status or Others).


Description made when making the annotation.

Location on Map

GPS coordinates from the annotation are contained in this column. By clicking on it, the page will take you directly to the “Map” module showing the location in the map where it was taken.


It shows the snapshot taken when the annotation was created. By clicking on it, a closer look of the picture is displayed, this one will pop up in the middle of the screen.


It will show whether it is visible for your organization only or for all.


Same as in Map section, annotations can also be added to task lists from this side by clicking add to tasks.

On the other hand, this section also offers the possibility of exporting the annotations as a CSV in case the user wants to use the data for their own purposes. This is done by clicking on the “Exports” box located on at the top of the page and then selecting “Annotations as CSV”.

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